Our aim is to offer care that develops the child’s social, emotional and intellectual well-being within a “prepared environment” (a Montessori term) or “enabling environment” (a Development Matters term). The prepared environment is one in which the child can develop naturally, at his/her own pace, and to become as independent as possible. At all times the children are encouraged to develop to their own true potential.
We support the children’s “Cultural Capital” (a Development Matters term) by giving them the tools and experiences that they need to grow and develop.
In order to establish and plan our curriculum we have correlated the Montessori Methods, the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework, the children’s individual learning patterns (known as Schemas) and the children’s individual interests. The British Values are embedded within our practice.
At the heart of our curriculum we want the children and practitioners to have effective learning and teaching.
We actively enable experiences so that children have the opportunity of Playing & Exploring, Active Learning and of Creating & Thinking Critically.
These experiences are carried out through use of both specialist Montessori equipment and other resources that promote open-ended play – this is so that children can make choices with no limitations, make their own decisions, where there is no right and wrong way to learn through play. We have found that Muro equipment is a very good resource for this.
“In the moment” planning is also encapsulated to nurture a child’s “spark” and then to extend this interest through open ended discussion to extend their learning.